Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Why do people always get bent out of shape over Americans calling the game "soccer" but not at Italians?

Italians call it "Calcio"... "kick." That is not calling it "football". Whenever an American or Canadian drops the "S" Bomb, the response is always a venomous "IT'S CALLED FOOTBALL RETARD HURRRR YOU SUCK!!!11" The word the Italians use is not a direct translation of "foot" and "ball" not even close. They just call it something else.

Can you imagine if Americans called it "Kick?" They'd still get laughed at, but Italians don't. "Soccer" is derived from Association Football anyway, sheesh. Who cares what people call it.Why do people always get bent out of shape over Americans calling the game "soccer" but not at Italians?
Oh please. Like anyone cares about soccer?
cause we Italians are cool like that ;]Why do people always get bent out of shape over Americans calling the game "soccer" but not at Italians?
everyone just want to get mad at americans because we like to do things our own way. in a way, they think that we think we're better than everyone else because of that. Some students in my class (who transferred from Japan) also get mad at me when I do things like write the date Day/Month/ Year and other stupid things like that.
Calcio is Italian - language, that's what I mean. Soccer is bad English.Why do people always get bent out of shape over Americans calling the game "soccer" but not at Italians?
its because americans call throwball ''football'' why name your sport after a name that is taken, especially if your sport hardly requires kicking the ball. its just retarded.
football- any game played on foot, as opposed to sports played on horseback

inclues: association football/soccer

american football


aus rules football

gaelic football

I don't mind Italians calling it calcio because it's their own language.

In my opinion, it's ironic that American football is called FOOTball when they just throw the ball and tackle each other. I know there is some kicking, but that's not the whole point of that sport, is it?

And it just bothers me that Americans think only their kind of "football" exists. Like, for example, when I'm talking about football on the internet, and Americans realize that I'm actually talking about what they call "soccer", they're like.. "Isn't that soccer? Not football?" And I have to explain that football and soccer are the same for someone who isn't North American! Besides, let's face it, almost every country in the world knows football as the sport in which you use your feet and score goals. So WE win this argument! :P
There's a lot of really uppity people who have a chip on their shoulder for one reason or another.

We went through this in Australia five years ago when the Australian Soccer Association changed it's name to the Australian Football Association. High profile administrators and commentators in soccer were actually seriously suggesting that other football codes shouldn't be "allowed" to use the word "football".

At some point somebody usually trots out the BS about soccer being the only "true" football because it's played with the feet (and the chest, and the head...). These people thus demonstrate not only their ignorance over the origin of the word "soccer", but also the word "football".

But one point of order, guvnor: rugby did not originate from soccer - rugby was around first. That's why the word soccer began to be used, by the ENGLISH, to distinguish this new game from the existing sport of "rugby football".
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